Here you will find important information for booking the most frequent examinations. Ensuring highly specialized care (e.g. IBD center, functional examination of the esophagus) is arranged directly by the referring physician in most cases.
Esophageal pH-metry, impedance and High Resolution Manometry
Before contacting our reception, please make sure you meet the following:
- You have have a recommendation from a treating specialist ( gastroenterologist, surgeon or otolaryngologist ) OR the examination was indicated by the doctor of our company ResTrial. Appointments for examinations can only be made via email
Before the examination, do not forget:
- Come to both examinations on an empty stomach (do not eat or drink after midnight).
- Pause the use of Proton pump inhibitors for at least 7 days prior to examination (omeprazol, esomeprazol, pantoprazol, raberpazol, lanzoprazol – active substances contained in drugs sold under many trade names), 2 days prior to procedure H-2 receptor blockers (Famosan). In very exceptional cases, your treating physician may indicate a pH-metric examination with uninterrupted medication – he/she would inform you about this.
- Pause the use of prokinetics 2 days prior to examination (Itoprid, Kinito, Motilium, Degan, Cerucal, MCP Hexal, Domperidon, Asketon).
- Pause the use of antacids 24 hours prior to examination ( Maalox, Rennie, Esoxx One etc.).
Below you can download/read:
Informed Consent Form pH-metry/impedance
Informed Consent Form High Resolution Manometry
(Endoscopy of the Large Bowel)
Before contacting our reception, please make sure you meet the following:
- You have difficulties and you have a recommendation from a general practitioner or other specialist OR the examination was indicated by the doctor of our company ResTrial
- You are 50 years old or older and want to book a preventive examination, with or without a recommendation from a general practitioner, gynecologist - in this case, you can arrange an examination date by phone or in person at the clinic reception. Otherwise, we reccomend to book a consultation first, where the suitability of a colonoscopy examination will be assessed.
If you do not have a prescription from your doctor for a bowel cleansing solution that you must take before the colonoscopy, stop by our reception desk at any time during business hours without making an appointment. We will arrange for you the solution to be issued and advise you on preparation before the examination, including diet.
How to prepare for a colonoscopy:
Below you can download/read:
Simple instruction for preparing for a colonoscopy examination
Informed Consent Form which you will sign before the examination
(Endoscopy of Upper Gastrointestinal Tract)
For a gastroscopic examination, it is advisable to have a recommendation from a general practitioner. It is not a condition but it is better for passing on information about your health condition. You can book the appointment by phone or in person at the clinic reception.
Before the examination, do not forget:
- be fasting from midnight, in the case of an appointment in the late morning or afternoon, fasting 5 hours before the examination is sufficient
Below you can download/read:
Informed Consent Form which you will sign before the examination
If you have a problems with hemorrhoids or other rectal diseases you can book a consultation and initial examination as well as subsequent treatment at any time without a recommendation by phone or in person at the clinic's reception.
Preparation: In the evening and morning before the procedure, insert 1 glycerin suppository into the rectum, emptying will occur after approximately 20-30 minutes. If the suppository is ineffective, it is advisable to improve the preparation by applying a Saline enema purchased at a pharmacy.
Below you can download/read:
Informed Consent Form which you will sign before the examination
Consultation and the first examination: |
covered by the insurance |
Treatment of hemorrhoids with the HEMORON device or elastic Barron's ligation (up to 5 ligations included in the price) |
3.900 CZK |
Treatment of hemorrhoids or anal fissures with the HeLP® laser |
8.900 CZK |
The follow up examination: |
covered by the insurance |
Examination and treatment of anal fissures: |
2.500 CZK |
Plastic surgical removal of perianal lesions under local anesthesia: |
3.000 CZK |
Sonographic examination of the abdomen
(abdominal ultrasound)
For a sonographic examination, it is advisable to have a recommendation from a general practitioner or other specialist. Orders can be made by phone or in person at the clinic's reception. For abdominal ultrasound you must to be fasting, no other special preparation is requested.
In the case of an appointment in the late morning or afternoon, fasting 5 hours before the examination is sufficient
Patients with the health problems of the digestive tract can book a consultation without a recommendation by phone or in person at the clinic's reception. If you have any findings or test related to your problems, please bring them with you.